Forums - How to defeat Fei-Long in SF2T Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- How to defeat Fei-Long in SF2T ( Posted by DavestA on 03:14:2001 05:38 AM: Ya my friend is nuts w/ him all he does is that freakin homo fire kick, and throw me while im trapped in corner i use. Ryu, balrog, sagat, bison. Ne1 got any ideas =/ Posted by olds on 03:14:2001 03:12 PM: If youre a shoto and youre not concerned about style, when in the corner and he approaches just throw out some crouching shorts and he'll jump so just uppercut him and repeat for an easy (if slightly mundane) win. Posted by chankalok on 03:14:2001 03:32 PM: first,fei long is a gd target for cross-over attacks!most fei long player can't do the correct motion of the flame leg!secound if u are ryu,bison or sagat,just use more your jumping strain up kick ass!!!!for barlog ,your crouncing forward is a sweep stopper and your best friend.....fei long can't come close to u if u use it! Posted by chankalok on 03:14:2001 03:39 PM: ok!i forget to post some fei killers.......:0 no.1 is vega,2 is guile 3 is chun..... a crouhcing vega or guile kill even gd fei players!and chun li can almost beat fei by just jump backward and short.... Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:14:2001 06:08 PM: IMO Fei Long beats Guile, but not by much. Fei has a VERY hard time getting in on fighters like Sagat, and Balrog. It all depends on how aggressive the Fei player is. JumpsuitJesse "Go ahead and kill me you cocksucker!!" Carlito's Way Posted by Shirts on 03:14:2001 06:08 PM: Ya'll are trippin'. These tactics wouldn't work against Jumpsuit Jesse's Fei Long. Posted by Tiger Bones on 03:14:2001 06:42 PM: ah scrubs talking like scrubs. hmm If ur using Ryu against Fei u have to try and maintain ur position away from the corners of the screen. Fei Long = footsies match or beat them and he's stuffed. Basically its a game of chess and one u gotta play well. Each of ur buttons can beat each of his and vice versa. It’s the matter of knowing which he'll press and what to do about it. The fei long special is his crouching fierce. All shotos can use crouching strong to snuff it out. Timed well u will beat it outright timed badly and it can be a double hit or a clean hit for him even. w/ ryu though you basic variation techniques should ensure that fei long has to be on his toes at all times NOTE: if you get hit by two consecutive low fierces flee turtle run away or go all out and attack. One more low fierce and ur dizzy – then ur dead. If fei is in range for u to hit his crouch fierce he is also in range for u to blast a fierce fireball in his face. I don’t really know what level ur at. But if ur reaching the higher ranks of fei vs. shoto's then the fei player will be a bitch in terms of whipping out rekka madness at the exact same time u go to throw ur fire balls. Mix ur game up with low forwards. Now the speed and ability u have will determine if u want to put a fireball on the end of the low forward attacks. More skilful players will not mind either way. Some like to keep fei close ( ya know keep ur friends close and ur enemies even closer and all that :P) but some want him to be kept as far away as possible others will take any chip damage that they can. I have to say u can have no finer reflex training then vs. Vega(Spanish ninja) blanka, dee jay/sagat(nasty low jumps that are awkward and intimidating) and fei long. And for that reason I’d advise u to try and fight fei long on his home turf.. If u can beat him when ur face to face then he is no longer a threat. Unless he whips out the 5 hit Rekka or the super combos. Again for ryu u should be aiming to blast fei with fast fireballs as much as possible. I know its not as easy as it sounds but once u know his jump in range it really is difficult for him to maneuveure swiftly over ur fireballs. Anyways back to the footsies. If ur playing against o.fei then u will be dealing with an inordinate amount of crouching strongs into rekkas. The main thing to do is keep ur composure. The crouching strong is not as scary as it seems to be. A lot of people feel they must do something to stop the barrage but that’s the whole purpose of fei players poking u with that move. It’s an annoyance. But nowhere near the worst ones in this game. Ur low jabs can snuff it but it can be disconcerting when u get a painful hit in the face that takes of double the energy that u’ve dished out. Again as in chess u have to try and think beyond the move that’s been thrown out. Ask urself why is he throwing out that crouching strong what’s his future intention? Is he waiting with hope for me to try and fire ball him? Or is he just doing it cos he knows its bugging me to death? Most fei long players are highly-strung individuals who play him cos he’s quick to kill enemies and is lethal with his attacks. And its quite usual that these highly strung players are the quickest to get wound up when things aren’t going there way. And believe me its more likely that they will make a mistake before u in their quest to end ur life within 10 seconds (the only time they will calm down is against deejay and his ‘stop dead’ moves and a wild original sagat.) Me personally I love fighting fei at full pace high octane do or die 20 second matches. It’s a great feeling when u tame a fei long player. Hehe calm the wild mustangs desire if u will  but u may not like that kind of play so u need to “learn how to block or his speed will overcome you” ahem. Another move that’s highly used by fei long players is standing fierce this is part of the chess match up they’ll switch to high attacks either to train u to block so they can start mixing up the standing forward over head. The thing about this move is that if u do manage to snuff it out (standing strong is a great snuffer of the standing fierce if u time it right) you will have removed a lot of his priority cos the standing fierce is such an excellent set up for cross overs and intimidation techniques. As a last note I’ll mention what to do if fei does some how manage to breach ur defence to such an extent that he is in throwing range. This is when all his attacks become things u must do something about. U can no longer block the low strongs without the pressure of follow ups. So u must try and time ur dp or get the throw in. or if ur really skilled do the fast air hurricane kick away. – d, db, b, bu, delay split second, kick.- will land u a full screen away from fei in less then a second . thus he has to start his attack process all over again. I will post for ken. Also. But for the other chars u will have to ask otherwise I assume ur a shoto user as they are the most commonly used characters. Posted by Tiger Bones on 03:14:2001 06:52 PM: with ken original or not. u should reduce the number of fireballs u throw a great deal. fei long will double hit u for free. and come off better then u nearly every time. beings as most of ryu and kens normals are near enough identical u can refer to the chess games above. i never mentioned that low short beats feis low forward and low roundhouse beats feis low short. this is because they are rarely used by most killer feis. only maybe when there using them for meaty hits or combos. kens replacement for the fireballs is his standing roundhouse(new ken) old ken u gotta use raw skill and timing. the standing roundhouse enables u to gain alot of position on fei long. as with his low fierce three of ur standing roundhouse and his dizzy - then dead. so it becomes a very tentative match up. another thing to be noted is that skilful feis' will be trying to fire kick you through ur fireballs. whether ur ken or ryu. theres not much that an be done about this excpet for u faking them ut correctly. remeber with ken master his air hurricane kicks that travel the screen in a split second. with these in ur arsenal u become a nightmare. they need practice but are worth it. um jesse./ how come u never mentioned anything about what annoys u must against say shotos in vs with fei? anyways i'm out i hope i;ve given u an in depth approach to fighting fei with the shotos. practice and u learn extras by yourself. but remember that strategy plays the hugest part in this game. out psyche ur opponent and he's ur bitch.. lol go get pimpin. peez Posted by olds on 03:14:2001 08:33 PM: Doh! thought you meant you were playing the comp sorry for my lame advice. Haha! Posted by Pokai-Chong on 03:14:2001 09:29 PM: Feilong??????????? Ryu???????????? Feilong cannot win!!! Dont care how good the bastard is...... Posted by chunkis on 03:14:2001 09:32 PM: As it states in the game...U must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance!! Shit thats ryu..O well until next time take care of your self..and each outher HAVE A NICE DAY shoryuken Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:14:2001 09:37 PM: I live for shoto and guile matches. Those are the most fun, and most challenging. Those matches are more of a fight than a one sided battle. There really is nothing that annoys me about shotos....hell, I too play both Ryu and Ken well enough to win with them. Fei is just flat out quicker than the shotos. You have to play a perfectly executed game and anticipate the Fei's moves. What's so crazy is that you dont have much of a time window to set up your game. You end up trying to survive, let alone set up Fei for anything. By the way, thanks for the compliments, Shirts Fei's rekka punches at max distance are Fei greatest weapon. They can hit you between moves....yes, even between low strongs. That is why you can't mess up when you try to counter. If you miss a move then it's 3 free hits for me, and you still endup right back where you started. Before anyone else played Fei I would watch how others would play with him and I would see so many opportunities that no one ever took advantage of. Now I see so many players doing the EXACT same things I do with Fei. It's one thing to learn a few strategies here and there, but don't completely X-copy someone's style Anyway, if you can keep Fei at bay, then you have a good chance of winning. Throws work well....why not try that! JumpsuitJesse "You think you're bigtime!!! You're gonna fuckin die. BIGTIME!!" Carlito Brigante-Carlito's Way Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:14:2001 10:00 PM: it's pretty hard to do anything against him if he abuses that flame kick thingie. That thing comes back down so fast! They raped that move in A3, though... Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:14:2001 10:12 PM: Fei sucks in A3....nothing compared to his ST version. V-Ism Fei is fun to play, but still sucks. That's just my opinion.... JumpsuitJesse "Are you a pothead, Focker!?" Meet The Parents Posted by lftrpllr on 03:14:2001 11:08 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by JumpsuitJesse: [B]IMO Fei Long beats Guile, but not by much. Fei has a VERY hard time getting in on fighters like Sagat, and Balrog. It all depends on how aggressive the Fei player is. C'mon Jesse, Guile beats Fei pretty soundly. Low forward keeps away quite nicely and it's pretty hard to flame kick. Guile can pressure you all day to make you jump or guess with a rekka. I swear people don't realize how good Fei is against o sagat. He is my #1 choice of character against him reasons being: 1- He can flame kick sagat's low tiger from damn near 1/3 screen away 2- You can completely zone him and make him guess and hesitate with fierce rekka traps followed by more rekkas or a flame kick if he tries to counter. The key here is spacing and rhythm. The key to setting up the trap is flame kicking a limb, which happens more often then you might think. I also prefer to play o fei vs o sagat for the comboability of the low short, foward, strong which even further helps trap sagat and all 3 can be linked after a meaty standing fierce for a probable 5 hit dizzy. (ex: meaty st. fierce, low foward, fierce rekka x 3 MAD DAMAGE and a dizzy usually). Give it a try- -wes Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:14:2001 11:17 PM: This is bad comedy.... Ask GYL, ask Jason Wilson, ask anyone who plays Guile vs a really good Fei and they will tell you that Fei can be a problem. Guile doesn't win for free. If anyone knows, it's me. And what's this about Fei beating O. Sagat?? Man, I almost died laughing when I heard that...seriously though, you obviously haven't played against John Choi's O'Sagat. Old Sagat is hard to beat, period. Fei has very little chance, if any, of winning this match in high tournament play. Go to B5, and I will prove what I am talking about. JumpsuitJesse "You obviously don't have any fucking idea what I'm talking about! By your 9th birthday I was running black-ops into Laos and Southern China!" General Hummel - The Rock Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:14:2001 11:31 PM: soooooo.... who DOES have a decent chance against o.Sagat? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:15:2001 12:16 AM: Uhh, I think Dhalsim, Vega, Ryu, and Balrog give him a hard time, but he can still fight them effectively. JumpsuitJesse "That wasn't flying!! That was falling with style!" Woody - Toy Story Posted by lftrpllr on 03:15:2001 02:27 AM: This is bad comedy.... Ask GYL, ask Jason Wilson, ask anyone who plays Guile vs a really good Fei and they will tell you that Fei can be a problem. Guile doesn't win for free. If anyone knows, it's me. Hey, your right, guile doesn't win for free. I'm just saying I'd take my chances against o sagat over guile any day of the week with fei. Few charcters match up well against o sagat, I feel Fei very much can win that match with a great deal of risk involved, but high reward situations for fei. Guile has a great number of anti-air options after the sb keep fei from effective jumping at guile. Guile's low forward, sb patterns pester fei no end and typically deal alot of punishment to fei before he can get in and deal his damage. Quote: And what's this about Fei beating O. Sagat?? Man, I almost died laughing when I heard that...seriously though, you obviously haven't played against John Choi's O'Sagat. Old Sagat is hard to beat, period. Fei has very little chance, if any, of winning this match in high tournament play. Okay point taken. John's Sagat is something different all together. I personally had a great deal of success rushing down o sagat's with o fei in last years tourneys winning matches against jason cole, lavar watson and rob ingram with fei. Anticipating low tigers and flame kicking them is one way to get you into position. Doing the motion for the flame kick leaves you in the low block position to make the faking/anticipating game a litter easier then say, ryu. Another option is hitting his arm with a rekka ken as he throws a tiger (or trade)or even make sagat block to start the guessing game. If you get in on Sagat he falls prey to the fei rushdown just like any other character, and fei definitely has inside advantage, especially with throwing. O sagat has the advantage overall of course, it's classic sf match where one character wants in, one wants to keep you out. But isn't that the case with every o sagat match-up? My st board should be coming any day now, so I'll finally have a chance to brush up. I'll try and make it out to b5, and (hopefully) make a showning there. Later- Posted by DavestA on 03:15:2001 05:46 AM: God lol and the way fei long freakin throws sagat across the screen like nothing pisses me off . Whenever i play sagat vs him he always rushes me to hard... and i have to back up into the corner.. and i cant find any oppurtunitys to throw =/ Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:15:2001 06:32 PM: O. Sagat is the anti-christ. JumpsuitJesse "Fuck me?? Noooo...fuck you!" Born in East LA Posted by Tiger Bones on 03:15:2001 07:34 PM: i have to say i think o.sagat is wholey overrated. i think its more about learning ur opponents strats then him being like POW dangerous. he's in no way as much bother as chars like Balrog,T hawk and good Vega players. O sagat is very basic.. he's affective for sure but he;s not exactly a mentally taxing fight. if your a skilled jumper he's not as dangerous as others. Posted by Pokai-Chong on 03:15:2001 08:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by chunkis: As it states in the game...U must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance!! Shit thats ryu..O well until next time take care of your self..and each outher HAVE A NICE DAY shoryuken u chat ber shit..... I loved it !!!! Hey how come u dont have dat shity "NO of post" logo????? ......ahhh....who give a shit??? Posted by lftrpllr on 03:15:2001 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tiger Bones: i have to say i think o.sagat is wholey overrated. i think its more about learning ur opponents strats then him being like POW dangerous. he's in no way as much bother as chars like Balrog,T hawk and good Vega players. O sagat is very basic.. he's affective for sure but he;s not exactly a mentally taxing fight. if your a skilled jumper he's not as dangerous as others. Sagat Over rated hmmmm...... 1-He has a 25% uppercut 2-Dizzies after 2 connected fireballs 3-6 different tigers to keep you guessing 4-fast recovery after a fireball, so forget about jumping AT him with most characters 5-damaging combos 6-damaging normals 7-and numerous moves to keep you zoned that further complement his fireball traps. The combination of all these factors do indeed make a match vs sagat tiresome and always challenging. Face it sagat kicks ass in this game, and beats most characters without even fully utilizing all of his many tools. Bow down to the power. -wes Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:15:2001 10:57 PM: I have to agree with Wes. I have played that match with Fei numerous times and just getting CLOSE to him is a chore in itself! Sagat can lockdown Fei to the point if you jump over a tiger shot you end up either landing on another one, get hit with one in the face. When your fighter lands from a jump there is a frame of vulnerability, and this is where Sagat can either smack you with a tiger shot, or hit you with his standing fierce. Getting in is half the battle, and staying there is even harder. JumpsuitJesse "He is not human. He is like a piece of iron" Drago - Rocky 4 Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:15:2001 11:42 PM: So what did the Japanese players do to beat Choi at the tourney? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 03:16:2001 12:21 AM: That's a good questions, let's ask Choi himself! JumpsuitJesse "Is this Clarice?? Well Hello Clareeeze" Hannibal All times are GMT. The time now is 10:33 PM. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.